1.Avoid Growth Stunting Factors
You can ensure that your height doesn’t get affected by external or internal factors. Hence, keep in mind a few things:
Taking drugs and alcohol at a young age can be extremely harmful (
7). Consuming these can lead to stunted growth and malnutrition, thus preventing you from reaching your maximum height. The intake of caffeine should be restricted, particularly among children, as it can impair the ability to fall asleep (
8). As kids and adolescents require a good eight to 11 hours of sound sleep, caffeine can restrict that to a great extent, thus indirectly contributing to short stature.
Apart from this, steroids have also been found to inhibit bone growth in young children, adversely affecting their height. Research has shown that asthma-affected children and teenagers who use inhalers tend to grow up to about half an inch shorter than others. This is because these inhalers dispense relatively small amounts of the steroid called budesonide .
2. Develop A Strong Immune System
Certain childhood illnesses can also cause stunted growth. These can be avoided by regular immunization and intake of plenty of Vitamin C (which is found in citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit and lemon). There are a number of ways you can strengthen your immune system – by eating whole and fresh foods, and avoiding processed and hydrogenated foods such as the very popular margarine.
A healthy diet will lead to a healthy immune system. Incorporate lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to maintain a healthy immune system.
3. Ask For Medical Aid
If you have reached your mid-teens and hail from a family where all members are tall, but find yourself to be still short, then it could be time to visit a doctor. Certain medical conditions can be detected at an early stage. Hence, if you are doing everything required, but still aren’t seeing considerable growth, seek medical advice.
4. Build Your Confidence
If a person is tall but lacks confidence, it’s of no use. Hence, it is very important to build confidence from childhood and cultivate it as you grow older. You can take part in school activities, or join a club and spend time pursuing your interests and hobbies. All of these act towards boosting your mood and give you a sense of well-being, thus affecting your confidence levels. If you have a positive mindset and are brimming with confidence, even a shorter stature won’t seem to be a hindrance for you. Hence, build your confidence!
Now that you know what you need to do to increase your height, you must also know something equally important – the factors that can affect your height.
5.Factors Affecting Height
Being tall isn’t in our control, is it? Well, even if it is, it is only partly true!
Genetic and non-genetic factors have a major role in determining our height. Our height is regulated by the “Human Growth Hormone (HGH)”. HGH is secreted in our body by the pituitary gland, and is required for the proper growth of bones and cartilages.
a. Genetic Factors
Our height is determined by several genes. If both your parents are short, it does not mean you won’t be tall. However, if most of the members of your family from both sides are of short stature, then the next generations are most likely to be short. Genetic factors are entirely beyond our control. It has been found that about 60 to 80 percent of the difference in height is directly linked to genetic factors.
You can calculate your projected height. Here’s how –
- Add the values of both your parents’ height, either counting in inches or centimeters.
- If you are a male, add 5 inches, that is, 13 cm to the resultant value. However, if you are a female, deduct 5 inches from this value.
- Divide this number by 2.
- What you get is your estimated height. This can be plus or minus 4 inches. This is a way to predict what your approximate height will be.
b. Non-Genetic Factors
There are several non-genetic factors that influence your height to an extent. Being tall is associated with growth, and hence, being short can be attributed to inadequate nutrition, lack of physical activity, incorrect posture, etc.
Certain other non-genetic factors that may affect your height include:
- Inadequate prenatal or postnatal care
- Ill health during childhood and adolescence
- Mental conditions during childhood and adolescence
Non-genetic factors can be controlled to an extent by following a healthy lifestyle from childhood.
Don’t wait any longer. Start right away and you might as well see yourself become taller! Also, tell us how this post has helped you. Do comment in the box below.